5 Steps to Build Stronger Communication and Understanding

Written by Chris Anderson

Continued from page 1

You improve effectiveness by showingrepparttar specifics of a process. And sometimes we’ve learnedrepparttar 103291 hard way thatrepparttar 103292 development phase of a project or a process is far more expensive thanrepparttar 103293 planning phase. And so by thinking through and perfecting your processes beforehand, you decrease waste in development time. With a detailed process map, you identify and decrease such waste wherever it occurs inrepparttar 103294 process.

Here are a few key points to keep in mind while process mapping:

•Identify core processes to support mission and goals •Determine how to create value forrepparttar 103295 customer throughoutrepparttar 103296 process •Map ownership and performance metrics along withrepparttar 103297 process •Engage your people in process mapping to define problems and solutions

Now, let’s break downrepparttar 103298 process map even further.

Define Steps ofrepparttar 103299 Process

We’ve just definedrepparttar 103300 big picture process map as a sequence of interactions of multiple processes. These multiple processes consist of multiple steps. As we’ve discussed,repparttar 103301 benefits are better communication and understanding and a decrease in waste. And this offers a great “big picture” view of your organization’s processes. But…

When you go to write your organization’s procedures, you need more detail. You’ll need a method to definerepparttar 103302 sequence of interactions of each step. And you do this with a procedure map. Here’s an example of a typical procedure map:

With this refined procedure map, you can seerepparttar 103303 steps that go into an organization’s competency process, includingrepparttar 103304 suppliers and customers for each of those steps. This is also calledrepparttar 103305 SIPOC method. This method identifiesrepparttar 103306 Suppliers ofrepparttar 103307 specific data used as an Input forrepparttar 103308 Process to create Outputs forrepparttar 103309 Customer. The map also gives you both effectiveness and performance criteria for this process’ owner(s). With such measurement criteria, you setrepparttar 103310 mark for continuous improvement ofrepparttar 103311 process.

And so by creating a procedure map, you will further increase communication and understanding within your organization. Procedure maps become a strong tool in training, either to familiarize new employees to their jobs or to increase efficiency and performance with current employees.

Communicate, Understand and Apply Knowledge

Both process and procedure maps are crucial in an organization. And so as a rule of thumb, never develop a procedure or system of procedures without first creating a process and procedure map. Acting like a table of contents, a process map helps organizerepparttar 103312 chapters of a complex book in a way that this knowledge can easily be communicated, understood and applied.

Next time, we will discuss Six Sigma problem-solving tools and answerrepparttar 103313 question: how do you move from seat-of-the-pants decision making to measurable and continuous process improvement?

Chris Anderson is the managing director of Bizmanualz, Inc. and co-author of policies and procedures manuals, producing the layout, process design and implementation to increase performance.

To learn how to increase your business performance, visit: Bizmanualz, Inc.

Free Real Estate Listings on Real Estate Gates

Written by Cameron Lindblom

Continued from page 1
Register withrepparttar Directory now to take advantage of this amazing offer ( http://www.realestategates.com/Directory/real-estate-directory.html )! Users ofrepparttar 103290 portal often leave inquiries for certain properties specifying their preferences torepparttar 103291 real estate they would like to buy or to rent. Ifrepparttar 103292 requirements matchrepparttar 103293 criteria of your listings,repparttar 103294 user gets notified by e-mail aboutrepparttar 103295 available listings. It can be yours there! Thus,repparttar 103296 more precise your property description is,repparttar 103297 more chances for fast response you have. Advantages of property listing placement inrepparttar 103298 Real Estate Listings Directory - Listings are all free! (Feb 15 - May 15, 2005) - Free exposition until sold or rented - Your listings are attached to your Directory profile (if registered withrepparttar 103299 Directory) - The listing information is delivered to users upon their inquiries -You don't have to pay any additional fees if you sell a property throughrepparttar 103300 portal -The most active Directory members are recommended by RealEstateGates.com - Timely discounts and special offers for Directory members Place your listings now! The offer is available from Feb 15 till May 15, 2005 BEST OFFER THROUGHOUT THE WEB!

Author: Cameron Lindblom

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